Flexcraft will be at the next edition of The Future of Transportation World Conference to deliver a talk on the following subject:
FLEXCRAFT: V-TOL Hybrid Aircraft for Flexible Operation
FLEXCRAFT is a VTOL, hybrid aircraft concept platform able to support passenger and logistics markets. The project focuses on developing three technological building blocks which address the Mobility changes in the future: Flight and Operation, including VTOL capability and hybrid electric propulsion; Versatility and Usability, including innovative design concepts for the interior; Materials and Production Processes, to enable low-cost production technologies. FLEXCRAFT consortium includes Industry partners and Research institutes – Almadesign, Embraer Portugal, IST, INEGI, SETsa and support from Embraer – in the fields of industrial design, aeronautical engineering, process engineering and aircraft manufacturing.
Hope to see you there on the 19 – 20 June 2018, Köln Messe, Cologne, Germany.
More info: http://www.thefutureoftransportconference.com