Cofinanced by: Lisboa2020, Compete2020, Portugal2020, European Unium

FLEXCRAFT – Flexible Aircraft – is an aircraft that combines the idea of modularity – allowing a reconfiguration of the cabin for different missions (commercial and recreational, emergency and assistance, among others) with STOL capability – to compete with rotary wing solutions, through short runway operation, improving overall performance.

Flexcraft was born from the newFace project’s Utility concept with the goal of seamlessly upgrading the critical technologies of this concept – configuration, flexibility solutions and production processes and materials.

Flight and Operation, Versatility and Usability, and Materials and Production Processes are the three lines of development in the project that will be validated through three evolutionary demonstrators, namely, an unmanned aerial vehicle, a full scale mock-up and Materials and Production Process demonstrators.

© 2019 Flexcraft | Flexible Aircraft